Come As You Are substance use support group
We offer individual, drop-in, and phone counselling, and open & closed groups. All counselling services are free of charge and open to all women & gender-diverse folks above the age of 18.
Individual counselling is offered for up to 6-8 months, encouraging women & gender-diverse folks to set their own goals and providing support during the process of achieving those goals.
Women & gender-diverse folks who would like to use our counselling services can call or visit us. We have participants who have signed up on their own, folks that were mandated by court, or folks who were referred by other agencies and organizations. Counselling is always provided from a participant-centred, trauma informed, and anti-oppression lens. Counsellors walk alongside participants to decide how to move forward.
If a woman or gender-diverse person is experiencing a crisis, they can call or drop in on weekdays. If available, our counsellors will help them to defuse the tension and/or stop the escalation of harmful emotions. We help the participant in crisis to narrow down their most pressing issue and together we identify resources. Resources may be on site or we may refer participants to other agencies that offer programs to meet a specific need.
We offer open and closed counselling groups on various topics such as:
● Grief and Loss
● Healthy Relationships
● Gender Based Violence/Red Road to Healing
Closed groups will receive new participants in the first 2 weeks and then registration will close. Open groups take new participants at any time and are participant-directed and loosely structured. All groups are free of charge and offer a light snack and bus tokens.
PHONE: 204.589.7347